How To Sprout Kidney Beans: The Comprehensive Guide
Looking For How To Sprout Kidney Beans? If you've seen them, tasted them, or researched their health benefits, then this guide is for you. We'll take you through the kidney beans sprouting process, harvesting, and how to prepare the sprout kidney beans.
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What Are Kidney Beans Sprouts?
What Do Kidney Sprouts Taste Like?
What Is The Smell Of Sprouting Kidney Beans?
How Long Does It Take Kidney Beans to Sprout?
Why Sprout Kidney Beans?
Health Benefits Of Sprouted Kidney Beans
Do All Varieties Of Kidney Beans sprout?
Considerations When Buying Kidney Beans For Sprouting
Our Recommended Kidney Beans
How to Sprout Kidney Beans
YouTube Sprouting Methods
Buying Kidney Bean Sprouts
Kidney Bean Microgreens
Boiling and Steam Method for Killing Bacteria
Can Parrots and Birds Eat Kidney Bean Sprouts?
Other Recommended Sprouts
Common Questions
What Are Kidney Beans Sprouts?
Kidney bean sprouts are young shoots that grow when mature kidney beans are introduced to germination conditions such as moisture. Kidney bean sprouts have a yellowish to greenish color with spinny shoots. Upon sprouting the seed usually loses the old hull which can be removed by submerging the sprouts in a bowl of water and picking out the floating hulls.
Soaking kidney beans for 2 to 6 days will trigger the germination process, and young shoots will grow to form sprout kidney beans. The soaking process involves an initial soak, which takes 8 to 12 hours, followed by regular rinsing and draining every 12 hours for at least two days. Kidney sprouts grow relatively fast, and they are usually ready to harvest by the third day. Avoid growing kidney sprouts for longer than ten days as they will start to grow somewhat bitter leaves.
Grow Your Pantry have designed and made sprouting trays and kits, that include seeds and guides for easy sprouting. Check out the latest prices of them at Our Store.
What Do Kidney Sprouts Taste Like?
While sprouting kidneys do have a robust flavor when cooked, the raw varieties are often considered to be bitter and with an unpleasant flavor. The bitterness is attributed to the presence of PHA, a naturally occurring chemical in the beans, which is toxic and must be denatured by boiling for at least 10 minutes.
What Is The Smell Of Sprouting Kidney Beans?
Sprouting kidney beans have an earthy smell that's significantly different from the almost smokey and sulfur smell of cooked kidney beans. The sprouting process leads to the breakdown of some of the chemicals responsible for this scent. However, beware that the seeds will become rancid if over soaked for too long.
How Long Does It Take Kidney Beans to Sprout?
Kidney beans will sprout by the second to fifth day after initial exposure to water followed by regular rinsing and drainage process. Kidney sprouts are usually ready to harvest in under a week after activation, but you can extend the growth time for a few more days. However, do not let them grow leaves, which are considerably more bitter.
Why Sprout Kidney Beans?
Reduce the Antinutrients - Dry kidney beans contain substantial amounts of PHA, which is an antinutrient, which are naturally occurring compounds that are produced by the plant to inhibit the consumption and absorption of nutrients from the raw seeds. The sprouting process makes the PHA toxin readily available for breakdown via cooking. This is why it's recommendable to cook kidney beans even after sprouting them.
Make Them Easier To Cook - The sprouting process leads to the absorption of water within the beans tissues, which makes them softer to cook. Sprouted kidney beans take much less time to prepare compared to dry kidney grains. The young sprout also develops tiny shoots that quickly cook away. The sprouting process involves the breakdown of the seed coat, which makes the interior much more comfortable to cook.
Increase In Health Benefits - The sprouting process increases the nutrient content in the seeds by tenfold; an 8 oz serving contains 8g of plant-based protein, which is critical for cell regeneration. The sprouting process also releases the stored nutrients making them more accessible to the digestive system.
Easy To Digest - Sprouted kidney beans have reduced amounts of antinutrients, making them much easier to digest. The growth of shoots and softening of the seed tissue (cotyledon) make it much easier to eliminate the remaining PHA toxins by 10 minutes of boiling. The absence of these toxins serves to reduce digestive discomforts that are commonly associated with consuming beans.
Increase In Fiber Content - The growth of shoots during the sprouting process leads to an increase in the amount of soluble fiber content in the sprout kidney beans. Soluble fiber goes a long way in supporting the ease of digestion and increasing healthy gut bio.
Health Benefits Of Sprouted Kidney Beans
1. Source of Plant-Based Protein
Sprouted kidney beans are rich in plant-based protein content. The increased protein uptake goes a long way in repairing body cells and increasing muscle density. However, it's important to note that plant-based protein is considered to be incomplete as it lacks some essential amino acids. These can, however, be substituted with other sprouts such as quinoa and buckwheat, which are more protein-dense. (Reference: link)
2. Reduced Calorie Content
The sprouting process leads to a reduction in the amount of calorie content as most of it gets broken down to provide energy, which is required for the germination process. Consuming kidney sprouts will, therefore, not have a drastic effect on the amount of blood sugar. The reduction in calorie content also plays a role in weight loss while also reducing the probability of developing heart disease. Most of the calorie content in kidney bean sprouts are in the form of starch, which releases energy slowly for a more extended period so you will be more energized and for longer. (Reference: link)
3. High Fiber Content
Sprouted kidney beans have increased soluble fiber content, which may contain amounts of resistant starch, which plays a significant role in weight management. The insoluble fiber eases stool passing and supports the growth of healthy probiotics within the digestive system. (Reference: link)
Do All Varieties Of Kidney Beans sprout?
Only raw mature kidney beans can sprout, pasteurized varieties and cooked or boiled beans will not sprout. This is because heat treatment usually denatures the enzymes responsible for the sprouting process.
Considerations When Buying Kidney Beans For Sprouting
Produced for Sprouting - While looking for dry kidney beans for sprouting, only go varieties which have been marked explicitly as sprout ready or sprout-able. These are varieties that have been specially produced and packaged for sprouting. Kidney seeds that have been produced for sprouting usually have an increased sprouting rate.
Brand - Already established brands are more likely to respond to customer feedback and have actual reviews. These play a significant role in deciding on the best product to get, it's recommended to go through the reviews before settling on a single product.
Source - The source of the seeds you plan to sprout will significantly determine the sprouting rate. This is due to storage and processing restrictions, which will affect the rate of germination. Look for varieties that are locally produced under FDA guidelines.
Kidney Bean Sprouts Nutrition per 1 Cup per Serving
Calories: 53
Protein 8 g
Vitamin C: 79% Daily value
Folate: 27% daily value
Iron: 8% daily value
Our Recommended Kidney Beans Product
Brand: Camellia Red Kidney beans

Price: $20.99
Camellia is offering their red kidney beans variety in 4-pound packages, which are not only hand-picked but are also tested to provide a high sprouting rate. While the seeds can be soaked and cooked, keeping them on a rinse and drain cycle for a couple of days will trigger sprouting.
Check The Latest Price Here
How to Sprout Kidney Beans
Equipment Needed
1. Sprouting kit or mason jar equipped with a sprouting lid
2. Large glass bowl
1. Soak the kidney beans in a bowl of water and set aside for at least 12 hours or overnight. This serves to activate the seeds as they absorb water and increase in size.
2. Rinse the kidney beans and drain the water. Place the activated beans in a mason jar and seal with a sprouting lid. Alternatively, you can use a sprouting kit.
3. Rinse and drain the sprouts every 8 to 12 hours for the next three days or until when the sprouts achieve the required size.
YouTube Sprouting Methods
This guide on sprouting beans focuses on how you can experiment with tissue paper as a sprouting medium at home. The guide also implements unzipped Ziploc bags as sprouting kits as they are readily available in the kitchen.
This is a guide on how to sprout the best soup kidney beans. The guide compared the sprouting rate of various beans ranging from red kidneys to chickpeas, their overall growth rate, and the best way to prepare each sprout variety.
Buying Kidney Bean Sprouts
Kidney bean sprouts are rarely sold online due to their short shelf life and the need to keep them refrigerated at all times. Instead, most stores opt to stock up on dry kidney beans, which you can sprout at home as per your needs.
Where to Buy Kidney Sprouts From
Kidney bean sprouts are available in vegan stores, farmers' markets, and local grocery stores.
What to Look for When Buying
Only Buy Pasteurized Kidney Bean Sprouts - FDA requires that all almond sprouts be pasteurized before packaging so as to eliminate bacteria cultures. It's, therefore, recommendable to only buy pasteurized kidney bean sprouts.
Cost - While kidney bean sprouts can be quite pricey, it's essential to keep your budget in mind while shopping for them. Because kidney sprouts can be frozen for weeks, it's recommendable to buy them in bulk, which cuts down on the total cost.
Flavoring - Kidney Bean sprouts can be flavored before they are roasted or dried. Alternatively, you can get unflavored brands that are often sold as salted only; this gives you more control in terms of flavors you want to incorporate in the recipe.
Kidney Bean Microgreens
Can you Grow Microgreens from Kidney Beans?
Yes, it's possible to grow kidney bean microgreens. However, they will need to be cooked before consuming to eliminate the PHA toxins. Kidney beans also tend to have bitter leaves so avoid overgrowing the microgreens as they will become bitter.
How To Eat Sprouted Kidney Beans
Sprouted kidney beans can be applied on a number of recipes as long as they get boiled for at least 10 minutes. Cooked kidney sprouts can be added to salads, soups, and stews. Alternatively, you can blend them and use the paste.
Can You Eat Sprouted Kidney Beans Raw?
No, kidney microgreens cannot be eaten raw as they still contain trace amounts of PHA toxin, which can cause abdominal discomfort. Instead, the sprouts should be steamed or cooked before eating so as to break down the toxins.
Are They a High-Risk Food?
Sprout kidney beans are considered as high-risk food just like any other sprout. This is due to the possibility of bacteria contamination during the sprouting stage.
1. Sprouted Beans Rice
This recipe was inspired by
2 cups sprouted kidney beans- blended
1 cup jasmine brown
2 cup kale
1 tablespoon garlic
1 cup tomato chunks
½ cup yellow onions
1 teaspoon salt
½ black pepper
1 cup of coconut milk
½ teaspoon vegetable oil
½ cup chopped parsley
1. On medium heat, heat up the range.
2. In a large iron pan, warm up the oil and cook the onion and garlic until translucent.
3. Add beans, tomato chunks, thyme, parsley, salt, pepper, and coconut milk. Simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Add kale, kidney sprouts, and rice. Mix well and cook for 20 minutes or until the rice gets tender.
2. Sprouted Kidney Beans Chili
This recipe was inspired by
1 tbsp. fennel seeds
1 tbsp. fenugreek
1 tbsp. mustard seeds
1 tsp. coriander
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. peppercorn
1 cup kidney bean sprouts
1-quart water
1 cup carrots
1 cup sun-dried tomatoes
½ cup celeriac
¼ cup parsnip
¼ cup onions
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ginger
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 bay leaves
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp sea salt
10 curry leaves
1. Cut the vegetables, carrots. Tomatoes, parsnip, and celeriac into bite-sized pieces and quarter the onions.
2. Slice the ginger and garlic into thin slices and add the rest of the ingredients and stir it all up
3. Slowly cook the ingredients for 4 hours on high followed by 2 hours on low heat
4. Serve while hot
3. Rajma Bean Sprouts and Spring Onion Salad
This recipe was inspired by
1 cup sprout kidney beans- cooked
½ cup chopped spring onions
½ cup finely chopped tomatoes
2 tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
1. Combine everything in a deep bowl and toss well until all ingredients are evenly mixed
2. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour and serve while chilled
How to make raw Kidney Bean Sprouts edible for low Immunity Groups
Who's at Risk
1. Pregnant women: pregnancy usually leads to a reduction in the mother's immunity, making her prone to bacterial infection from the consumption of raw sprouts.
2. Children: children have a much weaker immunity as it's still developing during such years. Consuming contaminated sprouts can lead to infections in kids and should, therefore, be avoided.
3. Cancer Patients: cancer patients usually undergo treatment regimens, which can weaken the immune system such as chemotherapy. The patients should thus avoid raw sprouts as they might introduce harmful bacteria to the already compromised immune system.
4. Patients on Immunosuppressants: immunosuppressants are drugs that lower immunity. Consuming fresh sprouts while under immunosuppressant treatment can result in bacterial infection.
5. HIV & AIDS Patients: AIDS patients usually have weakened immune systems that are vulnerable to bacterial infection.
Boiling and Steam Method for Killing Bacteria
Equipment Required
Large pot
Wooden steam bucket (optional)
1. Halfway fill a large pot with water and bring to boil over medium heat
2. If you are boiling the sprouts: add the kidney bean sprouts into the pot of boiling water and allow them to boil for 20 minutes
If you are steaming: place the wooden steam bucket in the pot of boiling water and add the kidney bean sprouts into the bucket and cover it. Allow the sprouts to steam for 30 minutes
Can Parrots and Birds Eat Kidney Bean Sprouts?
Raw kidney sprouts are not recommended for parrots as they contain PHA toxin, which can be harmful to your bird. Instead, only feed cooked kidney bean sprouts to your parrot.
Do You Need to Grow Kidney Bean Sprouts Differently for Parrots?
No, kidney bean sprouts for parrots require a normal sprouting process followed by cooking to eliminate the toxins.
Other Recommended Sprouts
Chickpeas Sprouts - Chickpea sprouts are 3 to 6 day old shoots that grow from chickpea seeds that have been exposed to germination conditions. Read more about this nutty delight on our guide here.
Almond Sprouts - Almond seeds are usually soaked for a couple of days to produce almond sprouts which are a great source of almond milk. Learn more about almond sprouts here.
Alfalfa Sprouts - Alfalfa sprouts are 3 day old alfalfa shoots that are not only rich in protein but also soluble fibers. Here’s our guide on alfalfa sprouts.
Buckwheat Sprouts - Buckwheat belongs to the dock family and its shoots are loved for their vitamin rich crispy sprouts. Here’s a guide on everything there’s to know about buckwheat sprouts.
Soybean Sprouts - Soybean sprouts are activated soybean seeds which are mostly grown for the production of soybean milk which is used to produce tofu, tempe and soy sauce. Read more on soybean sprouts on our guide.
Common Questions
Can I Sprout Red Kidney Beans?
Yes, red kidney beans can be sprouted by exposing them to an initial soak followed by regular rinsing and draining.
How Do You Sprout Beans?
Beans are sprouted by soaking them overnight and watering them every 8 to 12 hours for 3 to 6 days.
Can You Eat Beans That Have Been Sprouted?
Yes, you can eat cooked sprouted kidney beans.
Are Kidney Beans Easy To Grow?
Kidney beans are easy to grow as they do not have much in terms of requirements, and they take about three months to mature.
How Do I Make Sprouts Overnight?
Soak the seeds in a bowl of water and let them soak overnight, in the morning, the seeds will have become swollen due to the absorption of water, which automatically starts the sprout growth.
Can You Eat Kidney Beans Out Of The Can?
Yes, kidney beans have to be cooked before canning, so they are safe to eat out of the can.
How Do I Make Kidney Beans Sprout Faster?
Kidney beans will sprout much faster when kept on a regular watering schedule and within the optimal temperature 75- 85 F.
Why Are Kidney Bean Sprouts Dangerous?
Kidney bean sprouts are considered to be dangerous due to the presence of toxins in them that require cooking to eliminate before consumption.
Why Do We Drain Excess Water From Sprouts?
Excess water is drained to reduce the possibility of rotting and contamination with bacteria and fungi.
How Do You Sprout Seeds To Eat?
Sprouts that are meant for human consumption should only be sprouted under strict hygienic conditions to avoid contamination, which can easily cause bacterial infection and food poisoning.